Nothing to say

I've kept this blog more than one week sequentially . Great! But Today I don't have anything special to write here;) Basically I've been writing the meaningless everyday. Anyway, as for today, of course, I haven't slept all day long, but I went to the office, had lunch, talked with co-workers, went home, had dinner, played with my son, talked with wife and opened my laptop...nothing speci...Wait a second!, one thing comes to my mind. My guru(?) has just left here. Although it was scheduled in advance, I really miss him. I want to talk much more and work longer. Thinking back over last half year, there are so many regrets like, I should have... Yes, "It is no use crying over spilt milk", isn't it? Try not to mind it. So I look forward to seeing him again. Probably at OLS or Japan or here again.