Fire And Motion Joel Spolsky http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000339.html
Anyone is only allowed to be totally himself as long as he is alone, the one who does not love loneliness does not love freedom either: only when you are alone you are free. Arthur Schopenhauerhttp://www.learn-line.nrw.de/angebote/essaywet…
http://tree.celinuxforum.org/pubwiki/moin.cgi/SparseIt has been quite a long time since this "sparse" was introduced, but this is my first time checking it. git-clone http://kernel.org/pub/scm/devel/sparse/sparse.git cd sparse && make && m…
This is Kay Sievers's web page, the maintainer of udev. I have to read it later carefully.Since I am not so good at English, I need enough time to take a look at some documents....I really envy native English speakers, they can do it much …
The Last few weeks, the IIHF world championships were held in Riga(Latvia), not so far from here, maybe a few hours by air. Almost every night, I could watch one or two games on TV. The final game was over just now and Sweden won it, they …
If you didn't have time to attend the conference, you can get it from the following site. They are quite good quiality, and it is enough to understand. Nowadays we don't need to get on an airplane to listen to a presentation, we can just d…
This morning, I got news by e-mail from some of my friends that two of my ex co-workers will marry soon. I spent almost 5 years with the groom from the beginning of my ex company. He taught me lots of things, not limited to work;). I like …
Since last week, I've been playing with Google Talk, a feature that you may know from several web news. This makes my life much better(sure, somewhat exaggerated...). I've talked with some friends just to try it. Though I sometimes send th…
I happened to find this page. http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2006/0517/sony.htm BTW: Nowadays it seems that everyone is aiming for the same target, based on the same concept, but each in one's different way;). I am sure that you can co…
I know that one of Windows versions and some others have already been able to do this, but using Google talk on PDA is quite cool!, like a real phone! Please call me if you install it on Windows;) Now you can rearch me! http://www.linuxdev…
I've started to watch "The 4400". Also I got English subtitles, which helps me a lot;). I guess, soon I will be addicted to this series, it is quite fun:), though it may be useless...http://www.usanetwork.com/series/the4400/
My boss, who gave me a chance and invited me here, has left our team. Even though I don't know how competent his management skills are, I really appreciated his kindness to take care of me so much, especially when I had just come here and …
Today, I worked a little bit longer. I stayed at the office util about 22:30. It looks somewhat strange here....On my way home, I bought a PITA KEBAB at the stand. It was so delicious!;). Now it is a quite good season here..